How to create a landing page & measure its success? 您所在的位置:网站首页 14 landing page optimization tips best How to create a landing page & measure its success?

How to create a landing page & measure its success?

2023-04-12 16:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Are you struggling to generate leads for your business? Do you have a great product or service but need help getting people to sign up? You're not alone. Many companies face this challenge. But the good news is that there's a solution: creating an effective landing page.

According to a study by HubSpot, businesses with 10-15 landing pages saw a 55% increase in leads compared to those with less than ten landing pages. If that's not enough to convince you of the importance of creating landing pages, consider this: 68% of B2B businesses use landing pages to generate leads.

A landing page is a standalone web page designed to persuade visitors to take a particular action, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter. Unlike a regular website page, a landing page has no distractions or competing calls to action that might dilute the page's effectiveness.

5 Reasons Why Businesses Need Landing Pages 

Landing pages are incredibly valuable for businesses because they help convert visitors into customers or leads. By providing a focused message and a clear call to action, landing pages can be highly effective at driving specific business goals. For example, if a business wants to generate more leads, it might create a landing page that offers a free ebook in exchange for the visitor's email address. The landing page would focus solely on the benefits of the ebook and the value of the visitor's email address, making it more likely that they will fill out the form and become a lead.

There are several reasons why businesses need landing pages:

Improve conversion rates: Landing pages are designed to convert visitors into customers or leads. Businesses can improve their chances of converting visitors by providing a clear and focused message.Increase advertising ROI: When running advertising campaigns, landing pages can help increase the ROI of the campaign. By providing a dedicated landing page for the ad, businesses can improve their chances of converting visitors who click on it.Test and optimize: Landing pages are an excellent way to test different messages, offers, and designs to see what works best. By using A/B testing, businesses can optimize their landing pages to improve their conversion rates.Gather data and insights: By tracking the performance of landing pages, businesses can gather data and insights into what messaging, offers, and designs work best for their target audience. Use this information to improve other marketing efforts, such as email campaigns or product messaging.

Landing pages are a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their conversion rates, increase their advertising ROI, and gather data and insights. If you're interested in improving the performance of your website or advertising campaigns, a landing page is an excellent place to start. So, how do you create an effective landing page that drives conversions? Let's dive in.

Define Your Goals

Before you start designing your landing page, it is essential to define your goals. For example, what do you want visitors to do once they land on your page? Do you want them to sign up for a free trial? Download an eBook? Attend a webinar? Once you've defined your goal, you can design your landing page with that goal in mind.

Let's say your goal is to get visitors to sign up for a free trial of your software. Your landing page should encourage visitors to sign up for the trial. You might include a form on the landing page that asks for their name, email address, and other information. You might also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) button that says, "Sign up now."

Design Your Landing Page

Once you've defined your goals, it's time to design your landing page. Your landing page should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Visitors should be able to quickly understand what your business is all about and what you're offering.

Here are some tips for designing a visually appealing landing page:

Use a clean and simple design that's easy to readUse high-quality images and graphics that align with your brandUse white space to break up the text and make it easier to readUse a font size and style that's easy to readEnsure your page is mobile-friendly

Your inspiration here is Trello, which uses a clean, simple design with high-quality graphics that align with the brand.

Craft a Compelling Copy 

Once you design your landing page, it is time to focus on crafting compelling copy that persuades visitors to take action. Your copy should be clear, concise, and focused on the benefits of your product or service.

Here are some tips to craft compelling copy:

Use a strong headline that grabs the visitors' attentionFocus on the benefits of your product or service rather than the featuresUse clear and concise language that's easy to understandUse bullet points to highlight key benefits or featuresInclude social proof, such as customer testimonials or reviews

For example, take a look at the copy on the landing page for the project management tool, Asana. The headline and subheadline clearly explain the benefits of using the tool, and the copy focuses on the benefits rather than the features.

SourceCreate an Eye-Catching Call to Action (CTA)

Your call to action (CTA) is one of the most critical elements of your landing page. It's the button or links visitors click to take the desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or purchasing. An eye-catching CTA that stands out on the page can help increase the likelihood that visitors will take action.

Here are some tips for creating an eye-catching CTA:

Use contrasting colors to make the CTA stand out on the pageUse action-oriented language, such as "Sign Up Now" or "Get Started."Make the CTA button large enough to be easily clickablePlace the CTA above the fold so visitors don't have to scroll to find it


The CTA on Mailchimp’s landing page uses a contrasting color that stands out on the page, and the language is action-oriented.

Optimize for Conversion

Optimizing your landing page for conversion is essential to ensure visitors take the desired action. Here are some tips to optimize your landing page for conversion:

Keep your form fields to a minimum to reduce friction and increase conversionsUse directional cues like arrows or images to draw the visitor's attention to the CTA button.Use A/B testing to experiment with different variations of your landing page to see which one drives the most conversions.Ensure that your page loads quickly to prevent visitors from bouncing.Use tracking tools, such as Google Analytics, to measure your landing page metrics, such as bounce and conversion rates.The Dos and Don’ts of Landing Pages 

Landing pages require experimenting. You cannot build the ideal landing page on your first attempt. However, you must follow a few dos and donts that you must follow to create a landing page that converts. 

Dos:Communicate the value proposition: Make sure the headline and subheading of the landing page communicate the unique value proposition that the offer provides to the visitor. This will help them understand why they should take action and convert.Keep the page focused: The landing page should have a clear and singular focus, whether it's to capture leads, promote a product, or drive a specific action. Avoid distracting the visitor with too many different elements or calls to action.Use persuasive copy: The copy on the landing page should be convincing and compelling, using emotional triggers to encourage the visitor to take action. Focus on the benefits of the offer rather than just the features.Include social proof: Testimonials, reviews, and case studies can be powerful social proofs that can help build trust and credibility with visitors.Optimize for mobile: With most internet users browsing on mobile devices, ensuring the landing page is optimized for mobile viewing, and navigation is crucial.Don'ts:Overwhelm visitors with too much information: Keep the messaging on the landing page concise and focused. Avoid overwhelming visitors with too much text or too many visuals.Use jargon or technical language: The language on the landing page should be easy for the average person to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical language that might confuse or alienate visitors.Have too many calls to action: The purpose of the landing page should be to drive a specific action. Having fewer calls to action can dilute the effectiveness of the page.Use stock images: Stock images can feel generic and impersonal. Consider using authentic images of people or products to make the page more authentic and trustworthy.Neglect the design: The design of the landing page is crucial for making an excellent first impression and guiding the visitor toward the desired action. Avoid neglecting the plan in favor of just focusing on the copy.

Creating a high-converting landing page is essential to any digital marketing strategy. By defining your goals, designing a visually appealing page, crafting compelling copy, creating an eye-catching CTA, and optimizing for conversion, you can create a landing page that drives conversions and helps you achieve your business objectives. 

Want to scale your visitor-to-contact rate exponentially on your landing pages? Try RevenueHero. To know more, start your free trial. 






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